[Advanced Search]
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1º- Search items:

- The store shows on the left side of the search items from which you can find an article from the string entered in the form. We are also presented in the left margin sections or existing categories. Clicking on the categories will appear in the central part the various sub-dependent thereof. The categories have subcategories can be recognized by those aligned to the right or end with the + sign.

- In the page of each category or subcategory you will offer products selected or recommended by us. From this page you can access the list of all articles in the current category indicated as [wiew more items].

- Clicking on an article take you to the tab of that particular product with the same details, photograph and its price in euros.

2 º Add items to your basket

- To add any item to your cart you have to click the link [buy] or the icon that represents a shopping cart through the window, from the information about the item or from the category listing.
- You can always view your cart by clicking on the link [view basket] contained in MiniCart. From the basket to take the step to make the final purchase by clicking on the link [Checkout].
- You can also add items to the basket from your personal area "your orders", an area which reflects your data and purchase history. Each of the orders listed has a link prepared to include items in the basket that order today and save time browsing the store if you have to repeat an order has already been done before. Of course in the basket you can make the changes needed to adjust your new order.
- The next step is to identify with your email and password if you are already a customer or client, or complete the form if it is the first time shopping in our store.
Once logged in you will see the window with your billing and shipping,  amount. Shipping costs have to select according to the shipping information and choose payment method.
4 ° Finish your order
- After checking that all details are correct you should click on the [Checkout] to conformity and close the order. Following this will show a screen that tells you the order number assigned to your purchase and other details.

See how easy it’s to buy in

Usually all the products offered are in stock. This allows orders to be processed for delivery the next day by transport agency as UPS and airmail. If for any reason there is any delay in shipping we will inform you the estimated delivery time.
Shipping conditions
Shipping Costs (VAT included)
Peninsular Spain
9,07 EUR
VAT 21%
12,10 EUR
VAT 21%
18,15 EUR
VAT 21%
24,20 EUR
VAT 21%
orders over60,00EUR
24,79 EUR
33,06 EUR
41,32 EUR
Comunidad Europea (European Union)
<5 Kg.
30,00 EUR
VAT 21%
30,25 EUR
VAT 21%
<20 Kg
42,35 EUR
VAT 21%
<50 Kg.
72,60 EUR
VAT 21%
Rest of Europe (Rest of Europe)
<5 Kg
35,25 EUR
VAT 21%
<10 Kg.
40,25 EUR
VAT 21%
<15 Kg.
62,35 EUR
VAT 21%
<20 Kg.
72,60 EUR
VAT 21%
Resto del Mundo (Rest of the world)
<0.500 Kg.
28,93 EUR
33,06 EUR
<2 Kg.
37,19 EUR
<5 Kg.
70,25 EUR
Peninsular Spain Express, Balearic Island and Portugal
15,73 EUR
VAT 21%
From 5 to 10 Kg
18,15 EUR
VAT 21%
From 10 to 30 Kg.
24,20 EUR
VAT 21%
more than 30Kg.
48,40 EUR
VAT 21%
All products offered in our store are guaranteed for a minimum period of one year

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchased product, you have a period of 7 days, counting from the date of delivery of product to return it. In this case the back costs are paid by the customer . Before making that refund,  customer must contact our sales department at the time limit indicated via email, phone or fax which will indicate the return process. Any return without prior notice is not attended. To support the return must be both the product and its packaging in perfect condition, no scratches or broken or damaged packaging and including all documentation accompanying the product and its accessories. The client must make sure proper packaging to transport without damage. Once received and checked by our staff that the product is in the same condition as sent, will proceed to refund the amount, according to the method of payment by the customer.

The present document establishes the General Conditions of Use of the website, that CREACIONES A. TARREGA, S. L. with the CIF number: B96827795. The utilization of the services and / or contents of the website on the part of the user supposes and expresses his adhesion and acceptance to all the General Conditions of Use in the version published in the present web site, as well as to the protection of information. The present General Conditions of Use do not exclude the possibility that certain services of the website, or the particular characteristics, are submitted, besides to the General Conditions of Use, to his own specific conditions of use.

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